


Darryll J .总统的信. 松树

The Sexual Assault Prevention Event Log collects information about 事件 at the 千亿体育娱乐 related to sexual assault prevention. This allows the Sexual Assault Prevention Committee (SAPC) to track information about the 事件, such as how many 事件 are held and how many members of the university community are engaged in sexual assault prevention. 要访问门户,请转到 go.umd格式.edu/addyourvoice.  



培训, 事件, and 项目 organized by a UMD student or employee related to sexual assault, 性骚扰, 而其他的性行为不端则可以进入该门户. This includes 事件 held on campus, as well as 事件 held in the College Park community.



If you are organizing a series of 事件, please enter each event separately. 例如, if you are organizing a lecture series in which one speaker is invited to speak on campus each month, 请将每个演讲者的演讲作为一个单独的事件输入.



Mandatory online training does not need to be entered in the portal because the SAPC is collecting this information in a different way. 这包括对员工的必要培训, 一年级新生, 研究生, 学生组织领导.

  • The Sexual Assault Prevention Committee (SAPC) announces the spring 2021 提高你的声音 event. 提高你的声音 is a University wide sexual assault prevention and awareness campaign. Raising your voice shows that you value respect and healthy relationships for yourself and others. Make a personal commitment to prevent sexual violence and to be a part of the solution! 和我们一起练习瑜伽吧, 特色板设计, and a virtual panel about sexual violence prevention in a pandemic world. 每个活动的参加者都将参加抽奖. 





  • 以良好的氛围开始新的一周! Join us for a virtual Restorative Yoga session with instructor Quratul-Ann Malik (she/hers). This yoga session will be for all skill levels and will focus on stress relief and healing. Attendees will be entered into a raffle for a Hot Yoga Towel Mat- t在这里 will be 15 lucky winners!


为Charcuterie Board Event设计的Instagram



  • Do you want to wow your friends and family with professionally designed charcuterie boards? 挑战自己,学习一项新技能, and join us for a virtual Charcuterie Board Design Class with Maddie Landers (she/her) of Jam-Packed Boards. Attendees will be entered into a raffle for a Moda Striped Cutting Board - t在这里 will be 12 lucky winners! 注册时提供的成分表.



提高你的声音 Sexual Violence Prevention in a Virtual World - UMD Community Panel


  • Join us for an interactive panel that will provide students with an opportunity to learn about sexual violence prevention relevant to our current digital pandemic world. 我们的小组将探讨在线虚拟预防和响应, 卫生公平的最佳做法, as well as law related to digital crimes of sexploitation and crime victimology. Attendees will be entered into a raffle with five opportunities to win various prizes. 一名大奖得主将获得一份健康套餐!!

加强! is an interactive workshop on bystander intervention facilitated by our amazing team of CARE to Stop Violence Peer Educators. The college environment yields many opportunities for both intentional and unintentional dangerous, 有问题的, 或者暴力行为. During this hour long workshop participants learn to evaluate challenging situations and determine how to safely intervene using one of the 3D’s (Direct, 分散, 和委托). 加强! empowers audience members with the awareness skills and tools to help prevent harmful situations from occurring or escalating on our campus. This workshop is approximately 50 minutes and requires full A/V technology for an interactive PowerPoint learning experience. 要请求研讨会,请单击 在这里.


千亿体育娱乐, College Park is the state's flagship university and one of the nation's preeminent public 研究 universities. 研究领域的全球领导者, 创业创新, 这所大学有40多名学生,700名学生, 14,000名教职员工, 将近400人,000名校友都致力于追求无畏的想法. 位于华盛顿特区外.C., we discover and share new knowledge every day through our renowned 研究 enterprise and 项目 in academics, 艺术和体育. And we are committed to social entrepreneurship as the nation’s first “做的好” campus.


介绍全国第一个 做的好 校园将理想主义转化为影响力 


横跨12所千亿体育娱乐, 马里兰州提供300多个学位授予项目, 他们中的许多人在全国名列前茅. 我们的教员中有两位是诺贝尔奖获得者, 三位普利策奖得主, 58 members of the national academies and scores of Fulbright scholars. 还有我们的学生, 谁是州和国家中成绩最好的人, enjoy experiences unique to our location just outside the nation’s capital, 包括实习, 研究, 以及领导和服务的机会.


千亿体育娱乐 is one of the world’s premier 研究 institutions. With our strategic location and scores of 合作伙伴hips with government and businesses, UMD conducts groundbreaking 研究 on some of the biggest challenges facing our global community, 包括网络安全和恐怖主义, 生物工程, 公共卫生公平, 食品安全和气候变化. We strive to discover new knowledge and put it to work through innovation and entrepreneurship, 推动经济发展,改变人民生活. 

新推出的 创新网关 将引导您找到资源, 项目, 合作伙伴, and spaces you need to activate and scale your fearless ideas into innovations that launch new ventures, 促进经济增长, 促进经济发展.


千亿体育娱乐, 艺术, the humanities and the sciences intersect to address important societal issues and shed new light on the human experience. Our vibrant campus arts community collaborates with local and national cultural organizations such as the Phillips Collection, 肯尼迪中心和福尔杰莎士比亚图书馆. 学生和教师艺术家, 设计师, 历史学家, 作家和表演者正在探索新媒体, 呈现新的视角, 研究新技术,吸引新受众.


海龟之家, the 千亿体育娱乐 has one of the nation’s most recognizable and successful athletics 项目. More than 550 student-athletes compete each year in 20 intercollegiate sports—12 for women and eight for men. 自2005年以来, 千亿体育娱乐赢得了19次全国冠军, 包括NCAA女子篮球冠军, 男子足球, 男子曲棍球, 女子曲棍球, 还有曲棍球. 自2014年加入十大联盟以来, UMD has won a combined 32 regular season and tournament championships. 害怕乌龟!


Terp的体验超越了教室、实验室和工作室. 它包括宿舍和食堂, 俱乐部和运动, 兄弟会和姐妹会, 校园活动及演出, 以及无数的校外目的地. 马里兰州有800多个学生组织, 数十个著名的生活和学习社区, 还有无数其他参与的方式. Students 在这里 can create a unique identity and grow as individuals, 即使他们是一个紧密联系和多样化的社区的一部分. 



最新消息: 今天马里兰州

有关新闻稿,请浏览 UMD现在

Terps勇敢、聪明、好奇、骄傲. 我们做好事,在我们的社区和外面的世界. 我们无所畏惧. 我们一直在寻求扩大我们的队伍. 有兴趣成为千亿体育娱乐的学生? 从这里开始.



回馈社会是特朗普无畏的传统, 有很多方法不仅可以让它保持活力, 同时也能产生立竿见影的效果. 





支持克拉克挑战马里兰承诺奖学金 通过克拉克挑战让你的影响力加倍.

